Point Lobos Trail Map
The trail maps are split into two sections, one for above water line ups and the second for underwater navigation. For the above water line ups we have a reference picture that can be used in conjunction with the directions. For the underwater navigation it is recommended that you print out the underwater maps that are available and relate them to the directions when locating the sites.
For divers new to Whaler’s Cove, it is highly recommended to take a short walk up the trail at the end of the parking lot to the top of the bluff overlooking the Cove. This is an excellent vantage point to assess conditions, likely visibility, and particularly the kelp delineating the Sand Channel. The kelp situation is highly variable from season to season. In the winter, storms wash much of the kelp out of the cove. As it starts to re-grow in the spring, the Sand Channel is clearly visible. However, by late summer, kelp can almost entirely cover the Sand Channel although usually some part is still visible. The Sand Channel is a primary reference point for all dives.