Thank you for your interest in donating money to BAUE. Your contributions help support our goals of research, conservation and education. BAUE is a non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation, thus all donations are tax-deductible.
Donations to BAUE
We sincerely appreciate all donations. Your contributions help support our goals of research, conservation and education. BAUE accepts donations via check or PayPal. Check is preferred to avoid PayPal transaction fees.
Make checks out to Bay Area Underwater Explorers and mail them to:
Bay Area Underwater Explorers
PO BOX 2294
Monterey, CA 93942
To pay by PayPal, please use the following link.
BAUE Diver Dues
If you are a BAUE diver and would like to pay your dues now, please click the link below.
The payment amount is intentionally left blank. This is to allow for pro-rated dues as well as combining dues and a donation, if you so choose (and thus saving an additional transaction fee).
Here is how you calculate the amount to enter:
Full year: $75
Partial year: $6.25 for every month starting with the beginning of the following month. For example, if you join March 20th, you would start with April. There are 9 months left in the year, so 9 * $6.25 = $56.25
Dues + donation. Enter the amount of your dues, as calculated above plus the amount of your desired donation. It is not a requirement to make a donation, but the option is available if you would like to do so.
We also offer the ability to subscribe to a yearly recurring automatic payment. If you would like to remain a BAUE diver in good standing in perpetuity, please use the link below