Project Baseline

Project Baseline is a grassroots, environmental conservation initiative. Our organization exists to support people who are invested in water quality and availability by providing a platform that gives voice to otherwise under- or undocumented aquatic areas. We started as an organization built around underwater cave and open water divers.

Project Baseline encourages people to use pictures, video, dive logs, and observations already being collected for personal records, and upload that data into our database. Observations that are cataloged in an accessible, defensible and consistent manner can be used over time to gain a deeper understanding of each place visited by everyday adventurers. We are thrilled to be part of the Citizen Scientist movement that, when managed effectively, can be extremely influential in any number of scientific or public policy applications.


BAUE's contribution to Project Baseline will start with gathering data within the Point Lobos Marine Park. This data will start off with a number of simple data points that any diver can capture. They are:

- Visibility
- Depth
- Temperature
- Underwater Life Observed
- Overall Health of Site

These specific data points will be captured at six well known sites within the reserve. These sites are:

Worm Patch
Hole in the Wall
Lone Metridium
Sea Mount
End of Middle Reef
End of Granite Point Wall

In addition to the data we will also be capturing photo and video evidence that will be held on the BAUE project baseline site.

For more information on project baseline visit the Project Baseline Website.


Mating Amtracks


Middle Reef